Your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you unwind after a long day at work, where you cosy up with loved ones on rainy evenings and, crucially, where you should feel the safest.
To ensure that your sanctuary is kept secure for yourself and your family, you might be thinking about installing CCTV. Not only does it act as a powerful deterrent to potential thieves, but, if the worst does happen, it will offer essential evidence in an investigation. Here’s what you need to know before you take the plunge and commit to CCTV.
Consider others
Over the past few years, CCTV for the home has become increasingly commonplace – however, it is important that you think about others when considering its installation. Where will you position the CCTV cameras to ensure that neighbours don’t feel intruded upon? Can you use privacy filters to reduce intrusion? It’s common courtesy to let neighbours know your plans, so that you can avoid any potential pitfalls and you can quell any concerns they might have.
Clear images
If you need to watch your footage or it does need to be used by the police as part of an investigation, then it’s vital that the image is as clear as it can be. MD Bespoke Solutions offers both traditional CCTV equipment and modern IP cameras – importantly, both have infra-red cameras that will pick up clear high-definition images in any light level.
Storing the footage
Before you start using your CCTV, make sure you have a system in place to deal with the recorded footage – you need to be willing to commit to strict organisation. Ensure that the time on your CCTV is accurate, that you have plenty of recording space, that you do not share the footage on social media and that recordings are kept secure and destroyed once no longer required. Although this may seem excessive, we think it’s important that homeowners know that with CCTV comes responsibility.
Legal requirements
Of course, it’s mandatory that your CCTV system complies with the law. When it comes to outdoor CCTV, it should only be covering areas within your property boundaries otherwise it will no longer be regarded as domestic processing. In other words, if you’re filming a pavement that doesn’t belong to you, then you could be breaking the Data Protection Act.
We know it seems like a lot to get your head around, which is why MD Bespoke Solutions has a team of experts on hand to answer any questions you might have about home CCTV or other smart home security features. Our knowledgeable team will be able to guide you through from pre-installation to helping with any teething problems you might experience while you’re getting used to the system.
Whether you’re based in West Hampstead, Wembley or a surrounding area, MD Bespoke Solutions can help you to make your home secure with a CCTV system. To learn more, get in touch today.